WPAR Parkersburg WV Pics

Front of Building wparfront.jpg

Am Control Room wparamcont1.jpg

Am Control Room 2 wparamcont2.jpg

Front of Building at night wparamfrontnight.jpg

Am Performance studio wparamperfstudio.jpg



WPAR FM was located upstairs above the AM studios and was never rebuilt after a fire. I have seen literature indicating that it was on 103.1Mhz. (later WTAP-FM) Photos were taken on the stations opening.

FM Control Room wparfmcontrol.jpg

FM Office entrance wparfmofcentrance.jpg

FM Performance studio wparfmperfstudio.jpg

Fm Sales area wparfmsalesarea.jpg

FM Studio hallway wparfmstudioarea.jpg

To Jeff Millers WV broadcasting history pages